12 Jul 1836 Extract from The Times, Looking for Elizabeth Jezeph

12th July 1836

If Elizabeth Jezeph ... she will hear of something to her advantage

Clipping from The Times

IF ELIZABETH JEZEPH, spinster who resided in the year 1830 at No. 6, Shouldham-street, Crawford-street, St. Marylebone, in the county of Middlesex, and is the niece of Ann Jezeph, formerly servant to Mrs. Barnsley, of Featherstone-street, City-road, but late of Frederick-street, in the parish of St. Pancras, in the said county of Middlesex, spinster, deceased, will apply to Mr. Thomas Brown, at the office of E. S. Stephenson, Esq., No. 12, Great Queen-street, Westminster, solicitor, she will HEAR of something to her ADVANTAGE.

[Note: This is in connection with Ann Jezeph's Will, see R1069 .... NDM]

Nick Matthews
25th August 2006